Thursday, July 31, 2008


Thursday, July 31.
Well, after only a quarter of an hour refiguring out the right buttons to hit to get this screen, I'm able to tell the world that tomorrow I'm off to this year's Diversicon in Minneapolis. It's a good little con, that I always enjoy. Some year maybe I can see some of you there?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Experimental Stage (July 15, 2008)

As will no doubt be obvious, I'm still very new to this side of computerdom. Haven't yet figured out how to delete my designer's message, which may still appear above. [Oh! Below!] But didn't my designer do a great job? (Visit the personal website she laid out for me! My husband's middle name is really Alfred, but this looks like an easy fix for anyone who knows how.)
More will appear here as I learn more about this. Meanwhile, let me recommend the Thomas Love Peacock website, from which you can print out many of his works. NIGHTMARE ABBEY may offer the best first taste of this 19th century author.
Love and best wishes!
Phyllis Ann Karr (Mrs. Clifton A. Hoyt)